The Beauty of True Sisterhood

I don’t know when it happened exactly, but somewhere down the line there was a SHIFT.   I found my circle of friends growing smaller, but at the same time the relationships I did have grew stronger than ever. Conversations grew beyond the latest fashion trends, hair, our love life and expanded to include our […]


Why In-Home Hair Styling with COLOUR is Perfect for Busy Moms!

COLOUR Curls wand curls

COLOUR is an on-demand in-home hair styling service for women of color and I’m very excited to announce that I’m working with them as one of their Creative Directors of Natural Hair! They provide blowouts and natural styling services for women with relaxed or natural hair. They also do some styles that are enhanced with […]

Natural Hair Care Natural Hair Products REVIEWS

My First COLOUR Styling Appointment Pt. 2 – Cornrow Pigtails

cornrow pigtails natural chica

COLOUR is an on-demand in-home hair styling service for women of color and I’m very excited to announce that I’m working with them as one of their Creative Directors of Natural Hair! They provide blowouts and natural styling services for women with relaxed or natural hair. They also do some styles that are enhanced with […]

Natural Hair Care Natural Hair Products REVIEWS

My First COLOUR Styling Appointment Pt. 1 – Natural Hair Wash Day Prep

natural hair afro natural chica nikkimae2003

  In case you haven’t heard, COLOUR is an on-demand in-home hair styling service for women of color and I’m very excited to announce that I’m working with them as one of their Creative Directors of Natural Hair! They provide blowouts and natural styling services for women with relaxed or natural hair. They also do […]

Natural Beauty Products REVIEWS

#SheaSummerLips Summer Fun with Shea Moisture Lip Products

#SheaSummerLips Disclaimer: The products shown below were sent to me by Shea Moisture with no obligation for a positive review. All opinions expressed are my genuine feelings and I only share things with my readers that I personally use and feel would benefit them as well.  When it comes to my lip colors, there are […]