Big Chop…Here I Come!!

Well chicas...I have finally made up my mind to do the big chop (BC) and there's no turning back now! The appointment is scheduled and I have a friend coming with me for moral support (Thanks girl!!). Initially, I was going to have it done at a natural hair salon, but to my dismay, their prices were crazy out the wazoo!!!! Soooo... I decided to stick with the stylist who has been cutting my hair recently who has worked with girls transitioning to natural anyways. I'm just a little nervous about the products (shampoo and conditioner) that she'll use in my hair more so than the actual cutting, lol. I am completely ready to have these relaxed ends chopped off! Its crazy because I have a feeling that I'll have a hard time sleeping tonight. Its like when you were little and on Christmas Eve you couldn't go to sleep because of all the anticipation of opening your gifts Christmas morning! And I am in no way exaggerating about how I feel right now! : )

Of course you'll be seeing pics of my new ALL NATURALE do when its finished and maybe even some video clips of the whole ordeal at the salon. We shall see : )

One ALL NATURALE chica coming up!!!!

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Well chicas...I have finally made up my mind to do the big chop (BC) and there's no turning back now! The appointment is scheduled and I have a friend coming with me for moral support (Thanks girl!!). Initially, I was going to have it done at a natural hair salon, but to my dismay, their prices were crazy out the wazoo!!!! Soooo... I decided to stick with the stylist who has been cutting my hair recently who has worked with girls transitioning to natural anyways. I'm just a little nervous about the products (shampoo and conditioner) that she'll use in my hair more so than the actual cutting, lol. I am completely ready to have these relaxed ends chopped off! Its crazy because I have a feeling that I'll have a hard time sleeping tonight. Its like when you were little and on Christmas Eve you couldn't go to sleep because of all the anticipation of opening your gifts Christmas morning! And I am in no way exaggerating about how I feel right now! : )

Of course you'll be seeing pics of my new ALL NATURALE do when its finished and maybe even some video clips of the whole ordeal at the salon. We shall see : )

One ALL NATURALE chica coming up!!!!

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