So Why the Transition??

Growing up, I really only remember having relaxed hair. This is because when I was about 6 years old, my mom had my hair relaxed. She explained to me that my head of hair was so thick and full that she would have combs break in it while she tried to do my hair. After several sessions like these, which at times would lead to tears, she made the decision to make my hair more maneagable. This is when relaxers entered the scene.

So we'll just say right now that I'm one of those types of people who seek to change things ALL THE TIME, so throughout the years, my hair became one of them. When I entered highschool, I started chopping off my hair (which had been mid-back) and coloring it from reddish brown to nearly blonde (yikes..i know!) . Take that multiplied by 100 and that was my hair story throughout college. My hair was truly taking a beating but it didn't really start to show until this past school year as I started graduate school. My ends were breaking off badly and it was actually my mom and my sisters that gave me the inspiration for my next hair move.
See, my mom and sisters had gone completely natural within the past year and definitely had the healthy,shiny hair to prove. So in Fall 09 I decided I would also hop on the bandwagon. My first major mistake though was not really getting all the information I needed to be successful in this journey, so my first transition ended in getting another relaxer after 4 months : ( Second major mistake...making a decision about my hair because of frustration. Immediately after relaxing my hair, I regretted my decision and had to remind myself that sometimes the best things in life take hard work and patience.

This time, I was prepared to do things the right way. I started to talk to some of my friends who were natural and also started watching COUNTLESS videos on YouTube of girls who had taken the journey before me. This then led to me blogs dedicated to natural hair ladies, that provided valuable tips and advice. I now am EXCITED about this journey that I'm on and am learning new ways to take care of my hair every day.

I've created this blog to help me document my journey, to share what I've learned and also what has been working for me in order to inspire or help someone else on who is on the wonderful journey of...


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Growing up, I really only remember having relaxed hair. This is because when I was about 6 years old, my mom had my hair relaxed. She explained to me that my head of hair was so thick and full that she would have combs break in it while she tried to do my hair. After several sessions like these, which at times would lead to tears, she made the decision to make my hair more maneagable. This is when relaxers entered the scene.

So we'll just say right now that I'm one of those types of people who seek to change things ALL THE TIME, so throughout the years, my hair became one of them. When I entered highschool, I started chopping off my hair (which had been mid-back) and coloring it from reddish brown to nearly blonde (yikes..i know!) . Take that multiplied by 100 and that was my hair story throughout college. My hair was truly taking a beating but it didn't really start to show until this past school year as I started graduate school. My ends were breaking off badly and it was actually my mom and my sisters that gave me the inspiration for my next hair move.
See, my mom and sisters had gone completely natural within the past year and definitely had the healthy,shiny hair to prove. So in Fall 09 I decided I would also hop on the bandwagon. My first major mistake though was not really getting all the information I needed to be successful in this journey, so my first transition ended in getting another relaxer after 4 months : ( Second major mistake...making a decision about my hair because of frustration. Immediately after relaxing my hair, I regretted my decision and had to remind myself that sometimes the best things in life take hard work and patience.

This time, I was prepared to do things the right way. I started to talk to some of my friends who were natural and also started watching COUNTLESS videos on YouTube of girls who had taken the journey before me. This then led to me blogs dedicated to natural hair ladies, that provided valuable tips and advice. I now am EXCITED about this journey that I'm on and am learning new ways to take care of my hair every day.

I've created this blog to help me document my journey, to share what I've learned and also what has been working for me in order to inspire or help someone else on who is on the wonderful journey of...


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