This site was created for YOU, so here are some ways to PARTICIPATE
1. Preguntas (Questions): If you have a question to pose to the Natural Chica readers, be sure to be clear and concise in your question in order to receive helpful responses.
2. Pensamientos Interesantes (Thoughts): If you ran across an interesting article or just have something that has been weighing on your mind, feel free to share with the rest of us by emailing a short description and if applicable, a link to where you found this information. Email all thoughts to
3. FAB TWA's: If you have a TWA and you're proud of it, STAND UP!!...or email me with your responses to the following questions if you'd like to be featured as a FAB TWA chica : ):
3 things you love most about having a TWA
3 products you can't live without for styling your TWA
3 pictures of different looks you've tried with your TWA
Any sites where we can keep up with your journey: YouTube, fotki
album, any other picture sharing site...etc.
4. Blogger/Vlogger Naturalistas: If you are fellow blogger/vlogger (YouTube) and happen to be natural as well, we would love to hear about what kinds of things you talk about in your blog or YouTube channel! (It doesn't have to pertain to natural hair). I would love for you to answer the following questions:
whole life, what prompted you to make the change?
Do you feel that anything changed in your life (i.e. Boost in confidence)
when you became all natural?
When and why did you start your blog?
What types of topics do you post on your blog?
What do you love most about blogging?
How would you describe your hair?
What are 5 products your hair can't live without?
What words would you leave with someone who is thinking about going
Do you have any other electronic means that we can use to keep up
with your natural journey? (i.e. Fotki)
**Please provide at least 3 pics highlighting different looks
5. Háblame!: If you are transitioning or if you are natural, we want to hear your historia (story)! Answer the questions never know who you may inspire and encourage!!
How long have you been natural/transitioning? And if you haven't been natural your whole life, what prompted you to make the change?
Did you have any stereotypes about natural hair or those with natural hair beforehand? If so, what were some of them and has your viewpoint changed?
Do you feel that anything changed in your life (i.e. Boost in confidence) when you became all natural/started transitioning?
If you went through/going through a transition process, how did you care for your hair during that process (styles...products you used, etc.) ?
What do you love most about being natural/transitioning?
What words would you leave with someone who is thinking about going natural?
Any sites where we can keep up with your journey: YouTube, fotki album,any other picture sharing site...etc.
6. Artista Spotlight: If you're one talented naturalista, we'd love to showcase your skills! (ie. music, art, dance, etc.). Please contact us to be considered.
7. Empresa Spotlight: If you maintain a business that caters to the natural hair community or provides products/services that support an overall healthy lifestyle, please contact us to be considered.
To be considered, please submit your info (with the specific feature as the email subject) to