Blogger Naturalista: Sunshine

I had the pleasure of meeting this Blogger Naturalista on YouTube and immediately fell in love with her style ( I dig her wrapped looks!)  and cool demeanor. Her blog has a lot of great reads, and is definitely inspiring to the newbie and old-head naturals alike. Get to know the lovely Sunshine in the interview below! 

Natural Chica: How long have you been natural? And if you haven't been natural your whole life, what prompted you to make the change?

Sunshine: I have been natural for 1 year now!!! Yay me!
When I “went natural” I honestly had no idea that’s what I was doing. I was at a point where I wanted to learn who I was and how to trust myself to be successful in life without relying on my looks. I big chopped to make a real change in my life that had very little to do with hair. I wanted to let go of the facade that had been sold to me by media and society. I wanted to start fresh and for the first time in my life start making my own decisions about what was beauty, success and happiness. For so long I thought straight hair, shopping and keeping up with the joneses was how you demonstrated success. I wanted to learn to look within for those answers and that is what prompted me to cut all of my hair off.
To sum it up I guess it had to do with soul searching.

Natural Chica: Do you feel that anything changed in your life (i.e. Boost in confidence) when you became all natural?

Sunshine: Definitely! Once I let go of the old person I was trying to be, and embraced myself in my natural state, I turned into a whole new person! I am more confident than I have ever been in my life. I now know how insignificant physical beauty really is when it comes to measuring a persons (mainly my own) self worth. I have learned to let my inner beauty shine more. I have started looking at my life differently and going after bigger goals.
Being natural has shown me the “bigger picture” and as a result I have done things I used to dream about. I’m reaching out, motivating other women and hopefully affecting change in other peoples lives, something that never would have happened had I not gone through with my big chop a year ago! 

Natural Chica: When and why did you start your blog?
Sunshine: I started my blog May of this year for a few reasons.
 1. I wanted to share my love of natural products with others and do my part to cure/deter product junky-ism.
2. A lot of hair blogs focus on textures and curl patterns  and growing long hair so much that I felt there was a need for my perspective, which is one of learning to love your natural texture and yourself despite how tight loose or long your hair is. I felt there was a need for a blog that discussed other hair related issues besides those.
 3. Going natural has really changed my life and I want to share my story with the world. I started the blog hoping that anyone who needs to hear what I have to say in order to feel confident enough to go through with this transformation would be able to hear it. I want to really help women with this journey and the only way to do it is to put myself and my story out there.

Natural Chica: What types of topics do you post on your blog?
Sunshine: I talk about the different natural products I use on my hair face and body.  My personal hair regimen. I like to introduce “Hair Politics” and discuss some of the hot topics that interest naturals. And I love to share motivational information. A lot of what I write about has to do with letting go of the old mentality and old negative feelings associated with natural hair. I try to write posts that inspire the reader to look within themselves and find their beauty there.

Natural Chica: What do you love most about blogging?

Sunshine: The lives I have touched. I love knowing that something I have said has helped someone in any way. Whenever I get e-mails from my readers telling me how they have benefitted from my blog, it makes it all worth it.

Natural Chica:  How would you describe your hair?
Sunshine: Beautiful! Happy! Strong. Unique. Rebellious. Fun. Healthy and Shiny! (Just like me!)
My hair really has a mind of its own! There are random strands that stick out and are bone straight.  There are at least two other textures in there as well. It’s just as unique as I am.

Natural Chica: What are 5 products your hair can't live without?

Sunshine: Coconut Confidence -which is the STAPLE of my hair care routine. I use it to moisturize, set my different styles, seal my ends, add sheen and keep my hair soft.
Baking soda- I add it to conditioner and use it to cleanse my hair without stripping it of nutrients and it helps to reduce frizz
Honey- I add it to my conditioner and I use it with my deep conditioner. Honey is a SUPER moisturizer.
Water- I drink lots of it to keep my hair moisturized from the inside out.
My trusty Do-rag- Keeps my lovely locks protected over night and helps keep my hair shiny.

Natural Chica: What words would you leave with someone who is thinking about going natural?

Sunshine: Do it! Don’t be scared. If you learn to embrace your natural hair texture you will be amazed at the other wonderful things about yourself that will unfold as a result. Going natural has been the BEST thing that has happened to me and I am a stronger more confident person for having done it. There is real value in learning to love yourself in your natural state.

Natural Chica: Do you have any other electronic means that we can use to keep up with your natural journey? (i.e.YouTube, Fotki)

Sunshine: My blog which is located at , my page on   and I also have a You Tube channel

Thanks so much for sharing Sunshine!!

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I had the pleasure of meeting this Blogger Naturalista on YouTube and immediately fell in love with her style ( I dig her wrapped looks!)  and cool demeanor. Her blog has a lot of great reads, and is definitely inspiring to the newbie and old-head naturals alike. Get to know the lovely Sunshine in the interview below! 

Natural Chica: How long have you been natural? And if you haven't been natural your whole life, what prompted you to make the change?

Sunshine: I have been natural for 1 year now!!! Yay me!
When I “went natural” I honestly had no idea that’s what I was doing. I was at a point where I wanted to learn who I was and how to trust myself to be successful in life without relying on my looks. I big chopped to make a real change in my life that had very little to do with hair. I wanted to let go of the facade that had been sold to me by media and society. I wanted to start fresh and for the first time in my life start making my own decisions about what was beauty, success and happiness. For so long I thought straight hair, shopping and keeping up with the joneses was how you demonstrated success. I wanted to learn to look within for those answers and that is what prompted me to cut all of my hair off.
To sum it up I guess it had to do with soul searching.

Natural Chica: Do you feel that anything changed in your life (i.e. Boost in confidence) when you became all natural?

Sunshine: Definitely! Once I let go of the old person I was trying to be, and embraced myself in my natural state, I turned into a whole new person! I am more confident than I have ever been in my life. I now know how insignificant physical beauty really is when it comes to measuring a persons (mainly my own) self worth. I have learned to let my inner beauty shine more. I have started looking at my life differently and going after bigger goals.
Being natural has shown me the “bigger picture” and as a result I have done things I used to dream about. I’m reaching out, motivating other women and hopefully affecting change in other peoples lives, something that never would have happened had I not gone through with my big chop a year ago! 

Natural Chica: When and why did you start your blog?
Sunshine: I started my blog May of this year for a few reasons.
 1. I wanted to share my love of natural products with others and do my part to cure/deter product junky-ism.
2. A lot of hair blogs focus on textures and curl patterns  and growing long hair so much that I felt there was a need for my perspective, which is one of learning to love your natural texture and yourself despite how tight loose or long your hair is. I felt there was a need for a blog that discussed other hair related issues besides those.
 3. Going natural has really changed my life and I want to share my story with the world. I started the blog hoping that anyone who needs to hear what I have to say in order to feel confident enough to go through with this transformation would be able to hear it. I want to really help women with this journey and the only way to do it is to put myself and my story out there.

Natural Chica: What types of topics do you post on your blog?
Sunshine: I talk about the different natural products I use on my hair face and body.  My personal hair regimen. I like to introduce “Hair Politics” and discuss some of the hot topics that interest naturals. And I love to share motivational information. A lot of what I write about has to do with letting go of the old mentality and old negative feelings associated with natural hair. I try to write posts that inspire the reader to look within themselves and find their beauty there.

Natural Chica: What do you love most about blogging?

Sunshine: The lives I have touched. I love knowing that something I have said has helped someone in any way. Whenever I get e-mails from my readers telling me how they have benefitted from my blog, it makes it all worth it.

Natural Chica:  How would you describe your hair?
Sunshine: Beautiful! Happy! Strong. Unique. Rebellious. Fun. Healthy and Shiny! (Just like me!)
My hair really has a mind of its own! There are random strands that stick out and are bone straight.  There are at least two other textures in there as well. It’s just as unique as I am.

Natural Chica: What are 5 products your hair can't live without?

Sunshine: Coconut Confidence -which is the STAPLE of my hair care routine. I use it to moisturize, set my different styles, seal my ends, add sheen and keep my hair soft.
Baking soda- I add it to conditioner and use it to cleanse my hair without stripping it of nutrients and it helps to reduce frizz
Honey- I add it to my conditioner and I use it with my deep conditioner. Honey is a SUPER moisturizer.
Water- I drink lots of it to keep my hair moisturized from the inside out.
My trusty Do-rag- Keeps my lovely locks protected over night and helps keep my hair shiny.

Natural Chica: What words would you leave with someone who is thinking about going natural?

Sunshine: Do it! Don’t be scared. If you learn to embrace your natural hair texture you will be amazed at the other wonderful things about yourself that will unfold as a result. Going natural has been the BEST thing that has happened to me and I am a stronger more confident person for having done it. There is real value in learning to love yourself in your natural state.

Natural Chica: Do you have any other electronic means that we can use to keep up with your natural journey? (i.e.YouTube, Fotki)

Sunshine: My blog which is located at , my page on   and I also have a You Tube channel

Thanks so much for sharing Sunshine!!

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