If you any of you have little girls, I know you will appreciate the Empresa Spotlight (Business Spotlight) for today!
I present to you Lil' Goose Creations by MERCEDES : )
Q. What is the name of the company you started and what are its origins?
A. The name of my company is Lil' Goose Creations which is part of my daughter's nickname Lil' Silly Goose. I remember I saw a similar style of hair clips on the internet and thought to myself, "that looks easy, I bet I can do that!" So I tried creating a few for my daughter and voila! I've been in the business for about 4 months now.
Q.What types of products do you sell, and who do your products cater to?
A. I sell handmade hair accessories (Alligator clips, snap clips and headbands). I cater to girls between the ages of 2 and 12, although girls and women of all ages are welcome to wear my products.
Q.What do you enjoy most about having this business?
A. Like most stay at home mothers, I enjoy being able to work from home so I can spend the most time as possible with my daughter. I also like the fact that this is MY product so I can make whatever style/design my little heart is content with without having to go through someone else's approval.
A. Like most stay at home mothers, I enjoy being able to work from home so I can spend the most time as possible with my daughter. I also like the fact that this is MY product so I can make whatever style/design my little heart is content with without having to go through someone else's approval.
Q. Where can we find your products to purchase?
A. My website www.lilgoose.etsy.com
Q. Are you natural? If so, what's your story?
A. I am currently transitioning and have been doing so since March of 2009. For the past 20 years I would faithfully get a relaxer every 8-12 weeks. I was clueless when it came to managing my hair so everytime I saw new growth coming in I would pick up the phone and make that appointment. I never understood why my hair kept falling out and why it was so damaged. I always thought you had to have "straight" hair like the girls in the videos in order to be beautiful. I finally got tired of paying my stylists hundreds of dollars and getting the run around of why my hair wouldn't grow, or why it was breaking off so I decided do some research myself and learned the best thing to do is to just stop the relaxers and go natural. It's the best decision I've ever made.
A. I am currently transitioning and have been doing so since March of 2009. For the past 20 years I would faithfully get a relaxer every 8-12 weeks. I was clueless when it came to managing my hair so everytime I saw new growth coming in I would pick up the phone and make that appointment. I never understood why my hair kept falling out and why it was so damaged. I always thought you had to have "straight" hair like the girls in the videos in order to be beautiful. I finally got tired of paying my stylists hundreds of dollars and getting the run around of why my hair wouldn't grow, or why it was breaking off so I decided do some research myself and learned the best thing to do is to just stop the relaxers and go natural. It's the best decision I've ever made.
So please check out these cute hair accessories for your little princess!