ARTISTA SPOTLIGHT: Bri from Passion.Fruit!!

I am a huge art lover (media of all forms) and love supporting and getting the word out about up and coming artists that I feel are truly gifted and unique in their own right. I was delighted to come across Bri from Passion.Fruit, where I IMMEDIATELY fell in love with her work. Its fresh and the images really pull you in with their interesting features and colors. But enough of me talking...I'll let Bri's images and what she has to share explain! 

Bella by Bri

What sparked your interest in art?
To be very honest, I don't exactly remember. My earliest memories would be wanting more dramatic clothing for my dolls, wanting to put colour into every part of life. I recall being enthralled by Erte's work as I was exposed to it at an early age - it was mind blowing! I drew or created something for every sentiment I felt. I was a chronic daydreamer, to an extent, I still am; the action in my head and in my dreams was vastly more interesting than reality.

So we've noticed you're a natural chica too...what's your natural hair story? : )
It's not a very long one! I decided one day that I was going to stop processing my hair. I have fine hair and sensitive skin so I got chemical burns. I just didn't think they were worth the end result. I felt limited with relaxed hair. there was no significant preparation for going natural. I just did it...I stopped processing and trusted that my hair would survive! It did, even though I was told I'd be doing more damage than good. It worked though and I'm really pleased with my choice.


How long does it usually take for you to finish one of your pieces?
It depends on the mood of the piece and my frame of mind. Sometimes I can paint all day and because I like small pieces, it's easy to finish that in a day. Other times a similar sized piece could take days. Some pieces require me to be more exacting. I am fortunate though; my ladies tell me when they're done.

Pink 1 by Bri

Pink 3 by Bri

Where do you get the inspiration for your work?
Life. People. Honesty. Love. I think that honest is a fantastically beautiful but painful thing. I find women fascinating. I come from a long like of beautiful, dramatic and creative ladies; what they've left behind is enough to inspire me.

Two by Bri

What are your overall goals for your work?I would like to be able to practice more eventually. Right now I juggle creating with finishing university and working full time. It can be a challenge.I would like, perhaps for just a year or two, be able to spend all my time painting and making things. 

Is your work available for sale? If so, where can one purchase your work?
My work is available for sale certainly. I usually arrange the details via email so feel free to contact me (

Two Curious Creatures by Bri

Anything else you would like to share with our readers?
Thank you for reading and I hope to hear from you!

Ladies, please help to support a fellow naturalista and phenomenal artist and visit Bri's blog, Passion.Fruit! - *Mae* 

(Sidenote: If you are also an artist and would like to see your art featured on NaturalChica, send me an email at and include a link to where I can view your work!)

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I am a huge art lover (media of all forms) and love supporting and getting the word out about up and coming artists that I feel are truly gifted and unique in their own right. I was delighted to come across Bri from Passion.Fruit, where I IMMEDIATELY fell in love with her work. Its fresh and the images really pull you in with their interesting features and colors. But enough of me talking...I'll let Bri's images and what she has to share explain! 

Bella by Bri

What sparked your interest in art?
To be very honest, I don't exactly remember. My earliest memories would be wanting more dramatic clothing for my dolls, wanting to put colour into every part of life. I recall being enthralled by Erte's work as I was exposed to it at an early age - it was mind blowing! I drew or created something for every sentiment I felt. I was a chronic daydreamer, to an extent, I still am; the action in my head and in my dreams was vastly more interesting than reality.

So we've noticed you're a natural chica too...what's your natural hair story? : )
It's not a very long one! I decided one day that I was going to stop processing my hair. I have fine hair and sensitive skin so I got chemical burns. I just didn't think they were worth the end result. I felt limited with relaxed hair. there was no significant preparation for going natural. I just did it...I stopped processing and trusted that my hair would survive! It did, even though I was told I'd be doing more damage than good. It worked though and I'm really pleased with my choice.


How long does it usually take for you to finish one of your pieces?
It depends on the mood of the piece and my frame of mind. Sometimes I can paint all day and because I like small pieces, it's easy to finish that in a day. Other times a similar sized piece could take days. Some pieces require me to be more exacting. I am fortunate though; my ladies tell me when they're done.

Pink 1 by Bri

Pink 3 by Bri

Where do you get the inspiration for your work?
Life. People. Honesty. Love. I think that honest is a fantastically beautiful but painful thing. I find women fascinating. I come from a long like of beautiful, dramatic and creative ladies; what they've left behind is enough to inspire me.

Two by Bri

What are your overall goals for your work?I would like to be able to practice more eventually. Right now I juggle creating with finishing university and working full time. It can be a challenge.I would like, perhaps for just a year or two, be able to spend all my time painting and making things. 

Is your work available for sale? If so, where can one purchase your work?
My work is available for sale certainly. I usually arrange the details via email so feel free to contact me (

Two Curious Creatures by Bri

Anything else you would like to share with our readers?
Thank you for reading and I hope to hear from you!

Ladies, please help to support a fellow naturalista and phenomenal artist and visit Bri's blog, Passion.Fruit! - *Mae* 

(Sidenote: If you are also an artist and would like to see your art featured on NaturalChica, send me an email at and include a link to where I can view your work!)

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