I remember when I came across this chica's blog and was immediately intrigued by the title (Think & Grow Chick), having no clue what was in store. As I started to read some of the posts, I really appreciated the topics of self-development that she covered, especially for young women. On top of that she's a trendy vintage shopper/seller : )
How long have you been natural? And if you haven't been natural your
whole life, what prompted you to make the change?
I guess I've been natural my whole life, except for the brief interlude between 13 and 15 1/2 years of age when I had a relaxer. For all intensive purposes, I tell everyone I've been natural since 15 because all the time I was natural before 13, my mom kept my hair in pressed and in plaits, so I never wore it out in a "natural" style.
I decided to ditch the relaxer at the tender age of 15 originally because I missed my long hair. I had very long hair my whole life, and between the relaxer, poor hair care, and excessive use of heat tools, my hair had broken off to about collar bone length. During my transition, however, I fell in love with the idea of expressing my natural beauty as a kinky-haired black girl and length became less of my focus.
Do you feel that anything changed in your life (i.e. Boost in confidence) when you became all natural?
Oh absolutely! It wasn't until I went natural that I realized I was subscribing to the "light skinned, long haired beauty" nonsense that a lot of young girls fall into at that age. Now that I'm natural, I feel like I appreciate who I am more than I did during that time in my life. Going natural also taught me that I can accomplish any goal, no matter how long it takes or how much flak I get for doing it.
When and why did you start your blog?
I started my blog in the summer of 2009 because I wanted something to document all the crazy ideas and goals I have surging through my brain at any given time. Besides being obsessed with hair, I'm really passionate about entrepreneurship and just achieving the life I want to live as a black woman. I searched very hard for blogs that could satiate my need for hair, business, and lifestyle discussion, and I found nothing. Thus, thinkandgrowchick.com was born!
What types of topics do you post on your blog?
I talk about things that interest most women such as hair and style, but I also talk about ways to personally achieve specific goals, money management, and starting your own business. All of those things are equally important to me, and I'm sure they're important to a lot of other young women, too.
What do you love most about blogging?
Hands down, the community of readers and other bloggers. I love how my blog has opened doors to meeting and interacting with a lot of passionate, dedicated black women on the internet. It just feels great to post something that has a lot of meaning for you, then get a comment from someone saying that what you wrote has a lot of meaning for them too. I get all tingly inside 😉
How would you describe your hair?
My hair is a 3c/4a mix of curls that are a little past shoulder length when straight. My hair looks a lot thicker than it really is, but it's not at all fine. I guess it's just "medium". Now that me and my hair know each other quite well, my hair is easily managed—it's not difficult to style or handle at all.
What are 5 products your hair can't live without?
Hmm...choices, choices...I'll make it easy and cut it down to 3. My hair absolutely cannot live without conditioner, leave-in conditioner/moisturizer, and a bit of oil (castor oil is my favorite).
What words would you leave with someone who is thinking about going
Do it, do it!!!! No seriously, it's a journey I think every black woman should take at least once. It's absurd to me that some black women go their WHOLE LIVES and NEVER experience their hair in it's natural state! That's just crazy to me, it's like going your whole life without knowing what your natural eye color is like.
Do you have any other electronic means that we can use to keep up your natural journey? (i.e. Fotki)
Yep, I just started a Picasa album (google photos) to document my hair journey. I only have pictures in there from november right now, but you can check it out at http://picasaweb.google.com/thinkandgrowchick
How did you become interested in selling vintage clothing?
I fell in love with vintage the day I bought a pair of used cowboy boots when I was 16 years old. It's been a wrap since then. Vintage is so unique and well-made, not to mention inexpensive! Vintage shopping is euphoric for me 🙂 You can check out my store at thinkandgrowvintage.etsy.com. I occasionally sell things on ebay under the username thinkandgrowvintage, too.