Vamos a hablar con (Let's talk with) FAITH
I have been natural for about 5 years. My move was simply because permed/relaxed hair was too much to keep up. I didn't really know how to take care of my hair to begin with, so I was adding to the problem. Once I saw my hair line start to recede and my ends were breaking, me and perm/relaxation decided to take a break!
Did you have any stereotypes about natural hair or those with natural hair beforehand? If so, what were some of them and has your viewpoint changed?
One of the stereotypes I faced and still struggle with is pretty girls have long straight hair. Since my hair has been short most of my life, I dealt with that part. While I had support from family, friends and my life partner, the media is only know showing women with natural hair. Oprah and Tyra talk about natural hair, but I don't see either of them rocking their "real" natural hair. Meaning without flat irons or lace front wigs.
Do you feel that anything changed in your life (i.e. Boost in confidence) when you became all natural/started transitioning?
I do feel like my confidence has grown. I'm a leo so I have a huge ego to begin with. Still, when you face the world with a look that few people are rocking, you can't help but feel a little swagger.
If you went through/going through a transition process, how did you care for your hair during that process (styles...products you used, etc.) ?
My transition happened without me really knowing it. I just kept weaving, and braiding. I seriously killed the wigs! My crew called me "weavey or wiggy wonder"! When it got to a certain length, I just cut off the dead ends.
I must be honest. I didn't really like transitioning. Wigs/weaves cost money, and I have 2 different textures in my head. I am just now learning how to manage it. Plus it seemed like my hair was taking forever and a day to grow. I didn't know about shrinkage, so I just thought it wasn't growing.
When I became pregnant with my son, my hair flourished! Then about 6 months to a year afterwards, it started breaking again. So I said whatever and BC'd again. I guess my hair and my son will be growing together!
Everyone has different hair, even if we share the same type. Supposedly I'm 4c, but really I have no clue. My hair takes to Sauve conditoner. I love it and it's cheap. I use it as a co-washer, leave in conditioner and detangler. Coconut oil for moisture and to seal my ends. I used Creme of Nature Shampoo about once every week or so. Once every 2 weeks or once a month I deep condition. I mix 1 egg, oil and mayonnaise in my hair. I leave it in for 2 hours or overnight, then rinse in the morning.
What do you love most about being natural/transitioning?
What I really love about being natural is that I am teaching my son that beauty has many looks. The media, even black media, has these young people thinking there is only one way to be beautiful. He's half black and half white. He will grow up knowing that beauty comes in all forms, colours and shapes.
What words would you leave with someone who is thinking about going natural?
My word of wisdom for anyone going natural is that everyone has different hair. What works for some, may not work for you. It will take trial and error to see what your hair likes, but that's part of the fun! Plus when, people stop you in the street and tell you how cute you are, it's a HUGE ego stroke!
Any sites where we can keep up with your journey: YouTube, fotki album, any other picture sharing site...etc.
The websites that I found helpful, aside from your own are,, and