I've been tagged with the HONEST SCRAP award by Bells and J'adore Brittanie. Thanks for the honor chicas! : )
As a part of receiving this award, you all get to learn 10 HONEST things about me, so here goes!
1. I am addicted to checking email! Having the iPhone does NOT help this addiction either.
2. I love playing tennis. I used to compete in high school but I would always get too emotional in the games and end up crying or getting teary-eyed at some point in the match lol. I was better with team sports rather than one-on-one.
3. I have a strong creative side. When I step into a Michael's or Hobby Lobby, it's like paradise for me! Ten million project ideas immediately start running through my head.
4. If I knew photography could pay my bills for life, I would probably have gone to school for that in addition to what I'm doing currently, which is materials engineering. Photography is a serious hobby for me and I'm always looking to develop my skills.
5. I'm Jamerican (American and Jamaican). I've actually lived in Jamaica for a couple years waaaaay back in the day. LOVE my Jamaican food! (Still working on the how to cook it part though,lol).
6. It's hard for me to listen to songs that lack creative talent & effort as well as a meaningful message. For that reason, listening to music on Pandora and not the radio has worked well for me : )
7. I'm one of the most sappy people around. I tear up just about EVERY time that I watch an episode of A Baby Story or A Wedding Story, and pretty much any other show related to those topics.
8. I play the bass guitar and am currently trying to learn how to play the acoustic guitar. Music is definitely a big part of my life.
9. I own a Snuggie and I'm proud LOL! Love using it when I'm studying.
10. There are still times during my natural hair journey that I get frustrated with my new natural look and the reactions that I receive for my decision, but in the end I am thankful for what this process has brought out of me as a person, and of course thankful as well for the healthy head of hair sitting on my head : )
So now it's time to select several of my favorite bloggers to receive this award:
Think & Grow Chick
Here are the rules:
1. Post the award on your blog
2. Present this award to others whose blogs you find brilliant in content and/or design, or those who have encouraged you
3. Tell those people they’ve been awarded HONEST SCRAP, inform them of these guidelines
4. Share “Ten Honest Things” about yourself