Back in October, I shared an encouraging note I received from a reader named Kisha. She recently shared with me her 6 month natural hair update and of course I had to share with you all as well : )
(From Kisha's note in October)
Kisha writes...
Hey Mae,
Just checking in to give you and your readers an update on my progress! This month i'll be celebrating 6 months..WHEW!! how time flies. I must say im so loving this journey and enjoying the ride. i learn somethin new everyday. i've been twirking my reggie as i go and im proud to say i have a full 3 inches! EEEEK!! i was excited to stumble across being able to do twists becuz i thought my twa was only limited to coils. Im such a product junkie its ridick and i have to put myself on a no buying stash challenge (til April). OMG, my hair is so fun to play with. LOVE ur blog, LOVE ur youtube and LOVE you for sharing your ideas and tips.
I will say for anyone who's started fresh like me wit the amber rose cut #1 CONGRATS!! becuz it definitely takes an extra confident women to just shed it ALL!! (got love for my transitioners too becuz i know i dnt have the patience to hold on that long, lol) Also, be patient becuz i know how it is to wake up everyday wishing your hair could grow faster and longer. I got so caught up and anxious in wanting my hair to look like this person's and that; i didnt get a chance to appreciate those low maintenance months where i could just wake up and go. I've learned to just not think about it and let it be, that way your not disappointed when it doesnt come out looking like ur hair idols. Just take the time to enjoy YOUR hair and get to know its needs and wants. The length will come in due time so im learning how to maintain it and make it nice and healthy. It's truly my baby. I've named her Bianca Devine becuz it just sounds fierce, lol.
I've submerged myself totally into researching products and maintenance on natural hair. I havent used an umbrella in 6 months and my skin including my face has been flawless. I still have occassional haterz who throw their 2 cents in and criticize my decision by sayin "its nappy","why did u do that to your hair", "put a perm back in" and all types of foolishness. Call me nappy, kinky, dry lookin or whatever but just make sure you add healthy and gorgeous in front of it. So for my TWA Honiez; stay strong and enjoy doing little to nothing. Mae, im sure i'll run into you at Whole Foods next time ur in the DMV, lol. (also, last time ur readers asked me if i had a blog...**sigh** im still workin on it but u can find me on Natural Chica and CurlyNikki's forum as NubieNatty)
[Look at that growth! Go chica!! : ) ]
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