Miss Jessie’s and NaturallyCurly.com’s Natural Hair Celebration Pics!

(Titi and Miko from Miss Jessie's and the Hair Models for the event)

As many of you know, I spent yesterday in Austin, Texas for the Natural Hair Celebration that was being sponsored by Miss Jessie's and NaturallyCurly.Com! It was a full and exciting day and I was so thrilled to have the opportunity to be a hair model for Miss Jessie's! 

There were hundreds of girls in attendance, and as they arrived to the Avenue 5 Institute (where the event was being held), they were greeted by a room full of fresh fruits and snacks before entering the main event room. Michelle Breyer, one of the co-founders of NaturallyCurly.Com gave the event welcome to the audience who had traveled from parts of Dallas, Austin and even out of state! 

The fun continued when Titi and Miko from Miss Jessie's were introduced. They were extremely sweet and down to earth and proceeded with styling five women's hair (including mine) from beginning to end with the help of their stylists. They worked on a range of hair textures, doing styles like finger styling, dry twist-out, wet twist-out, rod set, and curl scrunching. What made it really great was that they answered TONS of questions from the audience while they were styling the hair. 

Miko would start off the styling, then each one of us would go to a salon's chair in the middle of the room where MJ stylists would continue styling our hair. They did this so the audience could get a closer look of how they were styling our hair. Even after our hair was finished styling, they encouraged everyone to touch our hair (it was funny having dozens of hands in my hair all at once! lol). 

I met some fellow bloggers/vloggers while at the event, like Kabrina (kabrinam YT), Tamyra (blogger: naturalhairrules.com) and Julissa (fellow vlogger at NaturallyCurly.Com). It was so great meeting them all in person! 

Of course I took hundreds (yes hundreds!) of pics and even some video footage. I have to thank a new friend I made, Lola, for helping me with most of the picture/video taking! (by the way, her hair was also fab!!). 

Here a few pics from the event, but you can see the rest of the batch HERE : ) 

(Me and Michelle Breyer from NaturallyCurly.Com)

(Lots of fab naturalistas in the audience!) 

(Miko styling my hair!)

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