How long have you been natural?
I was natural for close to 15 years, then I decided to relax it, as a way to suit curiosity. Two years later I realized it wasn't for me. So it's now going to be 3 years as of June 27, 2010.
Do you feel that anything changed in your life you became all natural?
Since I became all natural, one thing is certain, I do enjoy the versatility. I also appreciate the extra boost in confidence, as it comes with the territory. Too often natural hair is looked upon as taboo and something shameful, and until it is more widely accepted, those of us who choose to wear our hair natural, have some kind of confidence to us, just because we go against the grain. And this goes for both men and women.
When and why did you start your blog/vlog?
I started blogging in 2008, a few days before my Big Chop actually. It was intended to document my hair journey from transitioning to the natural freedom. It then became my need and desire to share information with others on the issues of natural hair, the beauty of it and ways to grow it. My Youtube channel was created early, but I didn't use it often, till one day I wanted to share that afro hair can be grown, so I made a few videos showing what I do. Now my hair isn't yet Bra strap length, but I think it's great to still share information.
What types of topics do you post on your blog/vlog?
On the blog I post on a wide variety of subjects, inclusive of hair styles, tips and tricks, recipes to use on the hair, beauty stuff and more. Plus I have people share with the community their regimens and more.
As for the vlog, it's still my child in the making, so for now I just have videos of me showing how to wash and deep condition natural hair and sharing a few tips. What's expected to come however for my YouTube channel is a lot more tips, tutorials and videos sharing on hair care, beauty etc.
What do you love most about blogging/vlogging?
I love the community it builds. I am so thankful to all my readers who enjoy what I post about, it means the world to me. I also appreciate the information I begin to gather since blogging. Prior to blogging, I didn't exactly research anything, and since blogging started at the beginning of my hair journey, it was great to have some information to fall back on for reference. I love youtube and definitely admire the booming natural hair community there. Everyone is so open to sharing tips and helping each other it's great. I love being able to provide people with the information they need in a place they can receive it, that's why I blog/vlog.
How would you describe your hair?
I'd say my hair is pretty Enigmatic. I say this because my hair goes through the motions. One day it's gorgeous and defined curls, another day it's just unruly and can be troublesome. My hair tends to do as it feels, and often I am so tied I up with school, that I will just let it. This is why I try to keep my hair in mainly plaits and twists, so I won't have to worry about it.
What are 5 products your hair can't live without?
I really like shea butter (whipped and not too oily), Trader Joe's Nourish Spa Conditioner, Blended Beauty Happy Nappy Styles and I like aloe vera gel/juice and good old water. Oh and coconut oil too 🙂
What words would you leave with someone who is thinking about going natural?
Go for it. Understand it takes patience and time, and it may actually not be for you, but it is worth the experience. Try starting small, see what your hair likes and do for your hair what it wants. Not everything works for everyone. So make sure to try and see what works for you. Another thing, use your resources to your advantage, you don't have to travel the road alone, there are too many blogs and videos out there to feel lonely and to go walking into natural hair bliss like a lost child.
What advice would you give to someone thinking about starting their own blog or vlog?
You can do it, just be aware, it takes a lot of time and dedication. If you know you are fickle, maybe it's not for you, however if you have something you want to get off your chest and truly can't wait to share and would post often, then do it! Be mindful of when the blog opens up to readers and such, because they will have a lot to do with what you post and interact with community. Well, currently I am studying Visual Arts in college, and doing a Digital Media minor. I enjoy everything art. I love graphic design and love the relaxing periods of painting. I am in no shape a painter, but the things I paint for the joy of it, I truly love. I love Photography as well and enjoy taking pictures of everything I can,lol. I also enjoy writing poetry and short stories. My poetries can be read here: CocoaSublime
Here are a few snippets of my artworks and photography: More can be seen at my portfolio
Do you have any other electronic means that we can use to keep up with your natural journey?
My website: Afroniquely You
My Fotki:
My YouTube: