Two-Strand Twists and Twist-Out With CURLS Products

Two-Strand Twists and Twist-Out with CURLS styling products

I decided to do some two-strand twists about a week ago to give myself a break with styling my hair. This go-around, I used CURLS whipped cream to do my twists after I had washed and conditioned my hair with CURLS cleansing cream and conditioner. My mom actually did my twists for me, since my hand was still healing : )

Here is a picture of the completed twists:

I left the twists in for that day and overnight. I took pictures of what it looked like right after I took out my twists and after separating further to create volume (which I LOVE!)

(Right Side: Right After taking the twists out)

(Left Side: After separating twists further to create volume)

(The difference between the two sides)


 The next day, I started twisting some of my front pieces that had gotten a little frizzy (I was lazy and forgot to sleep with a bonnet the other night *boo*). I was going to take them out before I went out that day, but challenged myself in making it into some kind of presentable style so I could keep the twists in longer and have better definition later *smile*.

This is what I came up with:

What creative things have you done with your twist-outs to help preserve the style?

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Two-Strand Twists and Twist-Out with CURLS styling products

I decided to do some two-strand twists about a week ago to give myself a break with styling my hair. This go-around, I used CURLS whipped cream to do my twists after I had washed and conditioned my hair with CURLS cleansing cream and conditioner. My mom actually did my twists for me, since my hand was still healing : )

Here is a picture of the completed twists:

I left the twists in for that day and overnight. I took pictures of what it looked like right after I took out my twists and after separating further to create volume (which I LOVE!)

(Right Side: Right After taking the twists out)

(Left Side: After separating twists further to create volume)

(The difference between the two sides)


 The next day, I started twisting some of my front pieces that had gotten a little frizzy (I was lazy and forgot to sleep with a bonnet the other night *boo*). I was going to take them out before I went out that day, but challenged myself in making it into some kind of presentable style so I could keep the twists in longer and have better definition later *smile*.

This is what I came up with:

What creative things have you done with your twist-outs to help preserve the style?

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