Karen’s Body Beautiful Haute Hair Contest!

As some of you may know, Karen from Karen's Body Beautiful (KBB) recently hosted a classy Haute Hair Affair event in Atlanta (which was a fab event!) and now she is taking it to the next level with the announcement of a Karen's Body Beautiful Haute Hair contest! I'm especially excited about this contest, because I will be teaming up with KBB and participating in the grand prize in a very special way 🙂

There are some really great prizes at all the levels of winning, but of course the grand prize stands out. Did I mention that the grand prize winner will be taken on an all-expense paid trip to NY, be pampered in the chic KBB salon, have VIP status at the special 10 yr anniversary Haute Hair event that weekend, model in a photoshoot and (this is where I come in.. *smile*) gets to have brunch with Karen, me, and Kissa (creator of the "I Love My Hair" shirts)! The rules to enter are simple, and all the details can be found below. Good luck to all the entrants!

Be sure to check out ALL the details as the deadline to enter is this Friday!

Karen's Body Beautiful Naturally Chic FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Angela Dawson info@karensbodybeautiful.com WIN AN ALL-EXPENSE-PAID TRIP TO NEW YORK FROM KAREN'S BODY BEAUTIFULBrooklyn, New York (July 28, 2011) – Karen's Body Beautiful, an all-natural luxury beauty line and spa, announced their “Haute Hair Contest” today. In celebration of beautiful, healthy hair and Karen’s ten year anniversary wearing her hair natural, the brand is hosting a fabulous contest with jaw-dropping prizes, including an all-expense-paid trip to New York. “At Karen’s Body Beautiful, we celebrate healthy hair. I believe no matter how you wear it, everyone deserves healthy hair,” said owner Karen Tappin. Now Karen wants to know what you love about your hairstyle and why it makes you feel confident and beautiful.To enter, contestants must submit a video or brief essay. Videos must be 90 seconds or less and essays must be one to two paragraphs, with contestants explaining why they think their hair is “haute.” All hair styles and looks are eligible to enter this contest. To be considered for the grand prize, contestants must enter a video submission. For additional details about this contest, please view Karen’s Body Beautiful Haute Hair Contest video. Contestants can win one of three truly incredible prizes. The grand prize includes in all-expense-paid trip to New York from August 26th to August 28th; pampering spa treatments at Karen’s Body Beautiful Spa; VIP status at the “Haute Hair Affair” on August 27th; $100 worth of covet-worthy KBB products; a fun photoshoot; as well as brunch with Karen, Mae aka “Natural Chica” and Kissa creater of the “I Love My Hair” t-shirt brand. The second place winner will receive a year’s supply of KBB products and a cute KBB tee. Ten third place winners will receive a KBB $50 gift card and tee, as well as a “I Love My Hair” tee.  The submission period ends Friday, August 5, 2011.For more information about the “Haute Hair Contest” or “Haute Hair Affair”, please view the Haute Hair Contest Video, visit http://www.karensbodybeautiful.com or email info@karensbodybeautiful.com.About Karen's Body Beautiful: Karen's Body Beautiful is an all-natural luxury beauty line and spa created to provide the purest, high quality products for the body. Established in 2004, the brand promotes the belief that the maintenance and celebration of the body translates to the elevation of the spirit.

Tags: Haute Hair Contest, Karen's Body Beautiful

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